Monday, February 4, 2008

Manic Monday

Is there anything to serious to joke about? If so, what falls into that category for you? I really hate it when people make fun or laugh about other peoples death, like those websites that have pictures or videos of car accidents, and people doing dangerous stuff and it cost them their life. I think it is not only disrespectful to the deceased but also to their families. I hate hearing people talk about how funny it is how some one was cut in two, that person had a life with people in it that cared about them, it was someones mom, dad, brother, sister, son, daughter, friend, husband, wife etc. I'm sure if any of those people had the chance to do it all over again knowing it would cost them the ultimate price I am sure they would not make the same mistake also I sont think they would want pictures of their dead bodies all over the internet. That to me is so sad and disrespectful to all of them regardless of what life they lead.
Would you rather be a tortured genius or a happy simple-minded person? Why? I would much rather be the happy simple-minded person, because if you are not happy how can you truely enjoy life?
A dear friend or family member has a terminal illness and is in agony. He/she wants you to help him/her die. What would you do? Well i definately wouldn't help them kill themselves, I would sit with them, be with them, talk to them and try to keep their mind off the pain, I would help them pray for health or just peace of mind.


Kristin said...

I agree girlie! Death is one thing that is no joke. I added your blog to my sidebar too! Love you!!

Shari said...

I like how you answered those. I don't find anything humorous about people dying. And why do so many people joke about shooting themselves? It isn't funny; people really do it to themselves and it's a tragedy. Sorry that you had to shovel all that snow. I'm glad that you're going to leave the rest for your husband (especially if you fell down 3 times, while on the stairs).

tommie said...

First time to visit your manic Monday....

Those are great answers. I don't see any thing to joke about when it comes to death.