Thursday, April 3, 2008

Friday Feast

Invent a new flower; give it a name and describe it.

Honestly this is really hard right now beacause I'm extremely tired, so I'm going to say it would be hot pink with 11 pedals and really big.

Name someone whom you think has a wonderful voice.

Jake and Jordan they have the cutest voices sometimes I dont want them to stop singing!
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how clean do you keep your car?
Lately I have been around an 8 which is awesome for me cause most of the time I'm aboout a 2...YIKES!
Main Course
How do you feel about poetry?

I like the simple stuff that makes me laugh a lot! but I also like the deep stuff, but not so deep to the point I sont understand it. I really like Maya Angelou.
What was the last person/place/thing you took a picture of?

It was Jake and Jordan playing in their cool new pool we bought for them for easter. I have been wanting to post them for a while now but I cant find the cradle for my camera to upload them...tear :'(


Kristin said...

Awe sounds like it was a cute pic. I did one this week sorry I ahve been slacking in the comment department you love me though right! Oh I met a little girl today you would never guess her anme. Yup that's right my lovely Shonnte! Except she was a white girl hahah love you!! ;)

maiylah said...

wonderful feast! :)
happy friday!

Eds said...

Great Feast! Mine is also up too! Happy FF!

Marsha said...

I like Maya Angelou also. She has a wonderful gift of drawing us all right into a common life regardless of where we come from.

Join me here if you can:

Unknown said...

It sounds like a beautiful series of pictures.

Great feast!

Please, don't forget to rate my entry, as the earnings (won by the highest rating blogentry) will be donated by me to autism support now it's autism awareness month.

You can find my entry ::here::

Have a wonderful weekend.

Michelle Quinno said...

I love Maya Angelou too! Nice feast!!

Sandee said...

I think mom is partial to her boys. I also think that's great. Have a wonderful FF and weekend. :)